April 05, 2017
Aubrey Kinch
I’ve been preparing this Blog for a little while now and I am excited to finally launch it! On this blog I will be featuring moms who have a great story and can give our readers a glimpse into their daily lives.
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For the first post I’m really excited to feature Aubrey Kinch, a wife, mother, and owner of a design studio! I think you’ll love getting a peek into her life with her darling kids. Enjoy her interview!
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1. For our readers that don’t know you, can you give us a quick intro about you and your blog?
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I'm Aubrey, an Arizona native who married my husband, Andrew, 7 years ago. We have an 11 year old son, Drake (he's my stepson), 2 year old daughter, Emery, and 4 month old daughter, Hollyn. I started blogging when we first married in 2010 because we didn't have a stitch of social media. It was my way to keep our friends and family updated on our life but it progressed into much more than that over the years. I also run a design studio- Aubrey Kinch Design - working with bloggers and small business owners creating their online presence and bringing it to life!
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2. I’m a huge baby gear addict. My husband laughs at me because I can literally give full demonstrations and details on pretty much any stroller. What are a few of your all time favorite baby products?
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You and me both! We actually have a stroller closet in our house because I can't say no to a chic and stylish option. I think of all baby gear though, a simple Rock N Play is my favorite of all time! It's what we had our gals in when they were newborns- 4 weeks because of the incline and soft vibration so it has a special spot in my heart for giving me much needed sleep in those early days!
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3. Your style tips for interior design are so great. Where do you get your design inspiration? Any magazines we should subscribe to, or people we should follow?
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Thank you! My mom used to own an interior design store when I was growing up and although I didn't appreciate it at the time, it's something I look back on knowing she's totally where I learned how to style our home. I love browsing pinterest and following Monika Hibbs, Amber Interiors and Becki Owens for design inspo too. And because I think it's only natural for all women to go googly eyed over Joanna Gaines, she's a must follow! Those rustic, farmhouse touches with classics? So dreamy!
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4. Some days can get so busy and time can seem to fly by. What is your favorite, fast, go-to family meal after a long or busy day?
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Isn't that the truth? It's such a challenge juggling two little ones and a school aged pre-teen so it's typical I cook meals we all will love instead of catering to each age. A favorite in the house is simple baked chicken (I pull this out of the freezer the night before to thaw), veggies- typically brussel sprouts or asparagus and a quinoa rice blend. This takes 5 minutes to prep and 30 minutes to cook so it's simple, healthy and meets everyone's taste.
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5. Your little girls are absolutely adorable. What is your go-to hairstyle for your little girls, Emery and Hollyn?
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My oldest, Emery, literally had zero hair on her head until she was about 15 months old... so sad! We did lots of headbands up until then but now we rock the cutest high bun pig tails with bows on the back to hold those little stray hairs in place. Hollyn, my 4 month old, came out with tons of hair so it's been fun actually being able to do clips and headbands for her! We love dainty, simple ones that are easily interchangeable with all her outfits.
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6. If you had to live with only three beauty products for the rest of your life, what would they be?
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Simple! itCosmetics CC cream, Benefits Hoola Bronzer and Chapstick. The chapstick has to be the "Chapstick" brand in medicated though- I'm super picky about that bad boy! ;)
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7. Even though we love our children everyone needs some me time once in awhile. What do you usually do when you have your “you” time.?
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Preach! I love these babies to the moon and back but that "me" time is so cherished over here. I don't like to spend a lot of it in solitude but instead with my husband. He works long hours so once the kids are in bed (which is 6:30pm, thank the good Lord for early bed time!) we spend the evening watching shows, talking about our day and just relaxing. It's so necessary for us individually but as a couple and for our marriage as well.
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8. As moms, there is always a little something we can learn from each other. What are your top three parenting hacks or tips? Do you have any advice for new moms?
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Yes! That's what I love about the online community. My top three are:
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Hack: If you are going out with your kids for an event or outing, pack up the car and diaper bag the night before and lay out outfits for easy getting ready. Snacks, sippy cups, extra diapers, wipes, clothing and even the iPad if it's a long drive. I find it makes the scramble getting out of the house the day of a lot less hectic.
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Tip: Trust you instinct. As mamas we have this crazy intuition and there are times my husband or family members are telling me I'm losing my marbles because I think something if off with one of the kids and bam, mama was right! Croup or an ear infection or whatever it may be, trust your gut. You know your kids best.
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Tip: Love yourself. Adjusting to mamahood as an individual is a task in itself but doing it while caring for a newborn and maintaining a marriage is tough. Give yourself grace in times you're exhausted, burnt out and simply need 10 minutes to pee, brush your teeth and pop in the shower. You are loved. You are wanted. You were meant for mamahood. Believe all those things when your head may be telling you otherwise.
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